It’s that time again! The New York Art Book Fair is an overwhelmingly exhilarating two-day exhibition of independent zines and art-books to excite and delight print-media lovers from far and wide. Here we select some of our favourite artists who will be displaying their work this weekend. Get ready for NYABF madness!
Among those interested in the darker trajectories of modern life, Panayiotis Terzis’ latest zine, Trapper Keeper 4, will be well received: the alienation of sex and reproduction; ambivalent technological “progress;” online hyper self-awareness; overstimulation; total cultural saturation – it’s all here. And really, who isn’t interested in that kind of stuff?
Trapper Keeper 4 represents the kind of dedicated work that we really like here at The Editorial. It is beautifully printed by Terzis – who also runs and curates the zine – which speaks not only to a deep and essential appreciation for the work on display, but also to the very ethos of the publication. The bleak vision of the world and where it is headed that is depicted by the artists in Trapper Keeper 4 is masterfully countered by the talent and production quality of the zine itself, as if to affirm the lasting and essential power of creative, thoughtful work in a culture overrun by both horror and mediocrity. While it’s tempting to wallow in anxiety as life on earth continues to degrade all around us, TK4 demonstrates a better option by turning that anxiety into something that some of us can enjoy. Take a look below, or find Terzis at NYABF – his table is right next to Clay Hickson’s! If you want to know more about Terzis’ publications and the history of Trapper Keeper, head to the newly launched publishing platform Mega Press.
Zine Round Up: Trapper Keeper 4
It’s that time again! The New York Art Book Fair is an overwhelmingly exhilarating two-day exhibition of independent zines and art-books to excite and delight print-media lovers from far and wide. Here we select some of our favourite artists who will be displaying their work this weekend. Get ready for NYABF madness!
Among those interested in the darker trajectories of modern life, Panayiotis Terzis’ latest zine, Trapper Keeper 4, will be well received: the alienation of sex and reproduction; ambivalent technological “progress;” online hyper self-awareness; overstimulation; total cultural saturation – it’s all here. And really, who isn’t interested in that kind of stuff?
Trapper Keeper 4 represents the kind of dedicated work that we really like here at The Editorial. It is beautifully printed by Terzis – who also runs and curates the zine – which speaks not only to a deep and essential appreciation for the work on display, but also to the very ethos of the publication. The bleak vision of the world and where it is headed that is depicted by the artists in Trapper Keeper 4 is masterfully countered by the talent and production quality of the zine itself, as if to affirm the lasting and essential power of creative, thoughtful work in a culture overrun by both horror and mediocrity. While it’s tempting to wallow in anxiety as life on earth continues to degrade all around us, TK4 demonstrates a better option by turning that anxiety into something that some of us can enjoy. Take a look below, or find Terzis at NYABF – his table is right next to Clay Hickson’s! If you want to know more about Terzis’ publications and the history of Trapper Keeper, head to the newly launched publishing platform Mega Press.
Panayiotis Terzis
Xela Flactem
Char Esme
Robert Beatty
Ben Mendelewicz