Fontana, California, USA is a photo project by Coey Kerr that makes use of exposed but undeveloped 35mm film purchased from an online auction. Kerr examines how semantic properties within photographs are predetermined by the viewer’s own subjectivity. The rolls of film, which were found amongst the contents of an abandoned storage locker in Fontana, California, evoke a contemporary portrait of America through their depiction of the minutiae of the everyday. The ambiguous space between the act of exposing film and the process of it being developed offers an opportunity to consider the tensions of authorship and the ways in which the viewer’s personal history influences how they engage with photography. Coey Kerr is based in Montréal and will be showing Fontana, California, USA as a solo-exhibition at Galerie Occurrence in 2016.
Fontana, California, USA by Coey Kerr
Fontana, California, USA is a photo project by Coey Kerr that makes use of exposed but undeveloped 35mm film purchased from an online auction. Kerr examines how semantic properties within photographs are predetermined by the viewer’s own subjectivity. The rolls of film, which were found amongst the contents of an abandoned storage locker in Fontana, California, evoke a contemporary portrait of America through their depiction of the minutiae of the everyday. The ambiguous space between the act of exposing film and the process of it being developed offers an opportunity to consider the tensions of authorship and the ways in which the viewer’s personal history influences how they engage with photography. Coey Kerr is based in Montréal and will be showing Fontana, California, USA as a solo-exhibition at Galerie Occurrence in 2016.