When Drake Carr told us he learned to draw by tracing comic books like X-Men, we weren’t surprised. His characters are like super-human party-people, pulsating mutants whose special powers include feeling good and having fun. In Drake’s world, cartoon nightclubbers step-out in skyscraping stilettos and crush it on the dance floor with their sexy girlfriends and boyfriends. Drake pulls inspiration for his illustrations from icons like Janet Jackson and Madonna—superstars who dance and sing and give everything they can, whose power and confidence and sex-appeal elevate them from human to the level of epic diva/superhero hybrid. Whether a sexy pony or the gleeful recipient of a golden-shower, Drake’s characters ooze empowerment. There is a totally ferocious energy to Carr’s airbrush illustrations, which we adore. – Olivia Whittick
Drake Carr
When Drake Carr told us he learned to draw by tracing comic books like X-Men, we weren’t surprised. His characters are like super-human party-people, pulsating mutants whose special powers include feeling good and having fun. In Drake’s world, cartoon nightclubbers step-out in skyscraping stilettos and crush it on the dance floor with their sexy girlfriends and boyfriends. Drake pulls inspiration for his illustrations from icons like Janet Jackson and Madonna—superstars who dance and sing and give everything they can, whose power and confidence and sex-appeal elevate them from human to the level of epic diva/superhero hybrid. Whether a sexy pony or the gleeful recipient of a golden-shower, Drake’s characters ooze empowerment. There is a totally ferocious energy to Carr’s airbrush illustrations, which we adore. – Olivia Whittick